Lost in Paris
"Lost in Paris," 2017, written, directed and starring Fiona Gordon and Dominique Abel.
I'll start with the elephant in the room; Tati influences. Abel & Gordon pay homage to Tati in some of the gags, no denying that. But they also draw heavily from Harold Lloyd and Charlie Chaplin. In terms of direction, shooting style, pace, storytelling and editing; no this is not a Tati-esque picture. One of the supplements is a short film by a Variety writer who tries to draw stronger ties between Tati and Able & Gordon. I could make a much stronger argument to the contrary.
Okay, let's put that to sleep and move on.
This is an entertaining film. Watching Fiona Gordon perform physical comedy, alone, is worth the price of admission. Unfortunately, she is now 65 and I don't think she is going to be able to perform at this physical level for many more years. That's a shame, as there aren't many female actors with her abilities.
In addition to its salute to the aforementioned kings of slapstick and mime, this film covers the screwball genre pretty well. So that should leave you with an idea of what you'll get if you give this a look.
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